Through the Valley

Imagine the flames, smoke pouring into the sky. Utter destruction. Will things ever be the same again? So much beauty...gone. In 2018, I observed from afar as the Alkali Lake fire burned around Telegraph Creek, BC. I had driven these twisty roads in 2013, and looked forward to returning in 2019. It just seemed so …

Solid Ground

Early in my trip, I hiked to the Rapids of the Drowned near Fort Smith, NWT. At the time I was struck by how calm the Pelicans were in the face of the wild river. I have to admit, I've been having a hard time adjusting to normal life after 3 months on the road. …

Feeling Small

Recently, while I was showing some photos, someone asked if being surrounded by mountains, stars or huge expanses, makes me feel small. To speak of feeling small brings up different ideas in my head. In my mind, it feels negative. Nobody likes to feel small. In social situations, feeling small generally has to do with …

Faint Images

Looking through the viewfinder of my camera, I slowly pan the horizon. Without pressing the trigger, I let the camera down and sigh. Here I am looking out over the vast waters of Lake Superior at one of the better views, and I can't frame it in a photo. I take a few pictures anyway, …


It was a uhaul moving truck.  Two year old me was sitting in the driver's seat.  We were moving from London to Mitchell.  My parents have an old picture of me sitting in that truck.  Somehow, I still have a faint memory of the inside of the uhaul was old, at least by today's …


Beep, beep, beep....  I jump up and turn off the 4am alarm.  I haven't really slept due to excitement, so getting up so early isn't hard.  I quickly transfer bags of food and ice from the freezer to the cooler, which is the only remaining thing to be packed as the rest of the camping …